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Video projects which were created using Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects.

On One Studios 5 Year Anniversary

This video was created to celebrate the dance studios's 5th anniversary of opening; it takes a look back at the studio's journey, starting from even before the studio's official opening.


This project grappled with the larger theme of "uncertainty." I wanted to represent how the concept of adulthood has contributed to a lot of uncertainty in my life (and I'm sure many others my age). Once a faraway and glamorous fantasy, I am now confronted with adulthood and its ugly realities. I replicated a stop motion video and hand-crafted quality with Adobe After Effects.

p.s. keep this message a secret!

This found footage film was crafted with all the goodbye letters I have held onto from my past from frequently moving around. The film maintains the privacy of these letters from friends of mine while simultaneously highlighting the charming qualities and parallels that connect them to each other— and me, to them. The film was pieced together on Adobe Premiere Pro, with some animations I created on Adobe Photoshop.

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